Outstanding Achievement Award

The Outstanding Achievement Award was created in 1998 to honour members who show technical excellence and achievement in engineering and/or geoscience in Saskatchewan.

Selection criteria for the Outstanding Achievement Award:
  • Accomplishments in Engineering/Geoscience (70%)
  • Service to the professions in public education and/or active participation in engineering/geoscience associations, societies, institutes (20%)
  • Service to the community (10%)
Past Outstanding Achievement Award Winners

2025   No Recipient
2024   Dr. Philip LePoudre, P.Eng. (View video here)
2023   Wayne Timm, P.Eng. (View video here)
2022 Shauna Lehmann, P.Eng. (View video here)
2021 Jeffrey Horan, P.Eng. (View video here)
2020 Jim Christopher, P.Geo. (View video here)
2019 Esam M.A. Hussein, P.Eng. (View video here)
2018 Xiongbiao (Daniel) Chen, P.Eng.
2017 Michael T. Sulatisky, P.Eng.
2016 Klaus F. Ottenbreit, P.Eng.
2015 Charles T. Harper, P.Eng., P.Geo.
2014 Richard T. Burton, P.Eng.
2013 Norman B. Beug, P.Eng.
2012 Dr. Arthur T. Bergan, P.Eng.
2011 John W. Ritenburg, P.Eng.
2010 Dr. Klaus Lehnert-Thiel, P.Eng., P.Geo.
2009 George J. Sofko, P.Eng., Ph.D.
2008 Dr. Lee Barbour, P.Eng.
2007 Boen Tan, P.Geo.
2006 Ding-Yu Peng, P.Eng.
2005 John E. Tosney, P.Eng.
2004 Robert G. Lawrence, P.Eng.
2003 Mel U. Hosain, P.Eng.
2002 Dr. Iain Le May, P.Eng.
2001 Graham C. Bradley, P.Eng.
2000 T. Viraraghavan, P.Eng., E. Karl Sauer, P.Eng.
1999 Lorne H. Ritenburg, P.Eng.
1998 * Richard A. Patrick, P.Eng.
1997 * B. Krishna Sareen, P.Eng.
1996 * James B. Stobbs, P.Eng.
1995 * Donovan A. Wishart, P.Eng.
1994 * Garry E. Paulson, P.Eng., * Wilfrid A. Hinz, P.Eng.
1993 * William A. Meneley, P.Eng., * Earl A. Christiansen, P.Eng.
1992  No Recipient
1991 * Clifford D. Smith, P.Eng.
1990 * Douglas L. Harrison, P.Eng.
1989 * P. Barry Hertz, P.Eng.
1988 * Dennis W. Johnson, P.Eng.
1987 * S. Fraser Lee, P.Eng., * E. Frederick Durrant, P.Eng.
1986 * Roy Billinton, P.Eng.
1985 * Karim W. Nasser, Ph.D., P.Eng.
1984 * J. Gordon Watson, P.Eng.,* John D. Mollard, P.Eng.

*Engineering Achievement Award