Member Profile

Dr. Chinecherem (Neche) Agbo Igboke, P.Eng.

March 17th, 2025

Tell us about your personal background.
I was born in a cement town called Nigercem, in a region formerly known as Biafra in present day Ebonyi State, Nigeria. It was pleasant growing up in Nigercem: the environment was tightly connected like a family where everybody knows everybody. The factory was mainly run by engineers and hosts of other technical staff I admired as a kid. My kindergarten, primary, and secondary education were completed at Nigercem before I moved to a different city (Awka) for my undergraduate education. 

Why did you choose engineering, and what led you to your area of specialty?   
Growing up, I had interests in both engineering and medicine. However, I was surrounded by engineers of different disciplines and specialties, and I enjoyed calculable sciences such as mathematics and physics more than biology and chemistry.  With the scenes and sights of heavy equipment and machinery around me and how they were used to change the landscape, my interests were narrowed down to the engineering that shapeS the built environment: that’s how I decided to go for civil engineering. 

Where and when did you study?   Any strong memories or turning points you recall from that time?
I graduated in 2006 from Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria where I studied civil engineering. I also completed a master’s degree from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, United Kingdom in 2011 and a Ph.D. from Carleton University in Ottawa in 2021.  

Every bit of this journey was a strong, unique memory. From statics to dynamics, Euler-Bernoulli beam to Timoshenko beam theories, Euler momentum to Bernoulli equations, Airy wave to stream function, from rotary steel drum to AMIR asphalt compactions and various paving trials — all were strong memories to recall. 

What are some of the most interesting, rewarding, or challenging projects you have worked on?
The most interesting, rewarding and challenging project that I have been part of is the Abakaliki-Offerekpe road project. This was a 42-km road project with six bridges and 45 culverts linking agrarian communities along the corridor to Ebonyi River between Ebonyi and Cross-River States. I was the resident engineer for this project, supervising and experiencing different aspects of civil engineering: piling, integrity testing, embankment, retaining walls, paving and various field and laboratory tests. It was all challenging and rewarding at the same time. 

What have you appreciated most about your work as an engineer?
I appreciate most how the natural environment is shaped by the works I am part of and how these works help communities live better

Please share a few words about your time on the APEGS council.
It has been remarkable. It has afforded me the opportunity to get to know a few places and to work with amazing people in different aspects of engineering and geoscience pushing boundaries in engineering self-regulation in Saskatchewan

Would you recommend council service to other APEGS members?
Of course. Members should find time to shape the organization that they are part of. There are many ways and opportunities through which this can be achieved. Members are encouraged to be the change they want to see at APEGS

What activities or interests do you enjoy outside of work?   
I enjoy news, current affairs, history and politics.

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