CPD Program Basics

2024 CPD Program Changes

The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program is undergoing changes for the 2024 reporting cycle. For full details, refer to the CPD Program Document.  For a summary of the changes, click here.

The annual requirements for members are:
  1. Create/update a CPD Plan
  2. Track your CPD activities (including dates and activity duration)
  3. Obtain the minimum number of credits, which includes a minimum number of verifiable credits
  4. Obtain credits in the minimum number of categories
  5. Obtain one hour of verifiable ethics training
  6. Report your CPD information online in APEGS Central, the self-serve portal

To determine the number of credits and categories needed each year, refer to the table below.

Annual Requirements for the CPD Program*

Credits required Minimum number of categories Annual verifiable ethics training Update CPD plan Report CPD information online Enter Scope of Practice online
Members-in-Training 30
(min. 12 verifiable)
2 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Professional Members 30
(min. 12 verifiable)
2 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Engineering and Geoscience Licensees 30
(min. 12 verifiable)
2 Yes Yes Yes N/A
Licence Waiver Holders 30
(min. 12 verifiable)
2 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Members are eligible for the “Reporting Elsewhere” option Must meet the requirements for their reporting jurisdiction Check the “Reporting Elsewhere” box Yes
Temporary Licensees Not applicable
Life Members Not applicable
Applicants Not applicable

* Additional conditions may apply. See Table 3 in the CPD program document for further details.

CPD Tutorials

To help members better understand how the CPD Program works, APEGS has put together a collection of helpful video tutorials.

APEGS Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Tutorial – CPD Program Requirements
APEGS Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Tutorial – CPD Plan and Scope of Practice