Continuing Professional Development Program

2024 CPD Program Changes

The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program is undergoing changes for the 2024 reporting cycle. For full details, refer to the CPD Program Document For a summary of the changes, click here.

When members register with APEGS, it becomes a professional obligation to stay informed and maintain competence within their respective professions. APEGS has formalized this obligation through its Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program. This program helps members formally demonstrate to the public their knowledge, credibility, and competence in meeting the skill demands of today, while also preparing for the environments of tomorrow.

The program requires members to:
  1. Create/update a CPD Plan
  2. Track their CPD activities (including dates and activity duration)
  3. Obtain the minimum number of credits, which includes a minimum number of verifiable credits
  4. Obtain credits in the minimum number of categories
  5. Obtain one hour of verifiable ethics training
  6. Report their CPD information online in APEGS Central, the self-serve portal