2024 Continuing Professional Development Program Changes
In January 2024, APEGS introduced changes to the CPD program for the 2024 reporting cycle. Below are some highlights. For full details, refer to CPD Program Document .
Removal of the Professional Practice category
Under the previous program, all members were required to obtain at least 30 credits outside of the Professional Practice category. This requirement remains consistent under the 2024 program.
Starting in 2024, the Professional Practice category and the additional 50 credit requirement associated with that category have been removed. By modifying the program and removing the professional practice category, the program requirements are now equitable for all members. For those working in the professions, this change does not diminish the value of their work; it merely necessitates a shift in perspective. Most activities that would have qualified for the Professional Practice category are still eligible, but they should now be placed into a different category.
Change in how APEGS classifies categories
Under the previous program, members were required to read the descriptions associated with each activity category to determine if verification documents were necessary for an activity to qualify for credit.
The new program has introduced verifiable and non-verifiable tags and reorganized the categories to enhance clarity. The requirement for verification documents for certain activities remains unchanged. The change lies in the way the categories are presented in the program document.
Verifiable categories continue to be Formal Activity, Presentations, and Contribution to Public Knowledge. The non-verifiable categories continue to be Informal Activity and Participation.
Removal of the cap on how many credits can be claimed per category per year
Under last year’s program members could earn an unlimited number of credits, but there was an annual cap on how many of those credits they could claim per category. Any credits earned above those caps were to be banked, tracked offline, and claimed in a future year.
Starting in 2024, the annual caps per category have been eliminated. This includes no cap on the number of community service hours members can claim per year.
New Annual Requirements
Under last year’s program, the CPD requirements were based on a member’s license status for the year.
Starting in 2024, all members (except Life Members and Temporary Licensees) now have the same annual requirements. These are as follows:
- Obtain a minimum of 30 credits, which must include a minimum of 12 credits in verifiable activity categories;
- Obtain credits in at least 2 of the five activity categories;
- Obtain at least one cumulative hour of verifiable ethics activity;
- Declare or update an area (scope/field) of practice description online;
- Maintain a detailed record of completed activities and the number of credits earned; and
- Report their CPD information online to APEGS by January 31st of the following year.
Members joining APEGS part way through the reporting year may have prorated requirements.
Key Program Constants
With all the program changes, it’s important to recognize aspects of the program that remain unchanged. Some of these constants include:
- Banked Credits – banked credits in the five remaining categories from 2022 or 2023 are still eligible for claiming in 2024. Members can also continue to bank credits under the new program. APEGS encourages members to claim their oldest unused credits first and then use new credits as needed.
- Variation Program – for members in extenuating circumstances (ex. maternity leave, medical leave, etc) and unable to meet their annual requirements, the Variation Program continues to offer a solution. These members can apply for a reduction by submitting a Variation Application by September 30th. Late applications will not be accepted.
- Reporting Elsewhere Method – Members who are registered with and meet the CPD reporting requirements of another Canadian engineering or geoscience regulator are still eligible to report to APEGS annually using the “Reporting Elsewhere” option. To use this option, the member’s preferred address must be outside of Saskatchewan. If the member’s preferred address is in Saskatchewan, they must report their CPD credit details to APEGS.