About Registration for Businesses

Regulation of Firms

To better safeguard the public and the environment, retain public trust, and reduce risks to engineering and geoscience professionals, APEGS is considering a new approach to regulate firms that practice engineering and geoscience in Saskatchewan. In alignment with other regulators, while ensuring a fit with the needs of APEGS registrants, APEGS will require firms to develop, document, and follow policies and procedures in the three areas below as part of a professional practice management plan. APEGS is aiming for voluntary implementation in 2025 with mandatory implementation in 2026 to allow for feedback and adjustments. Click here for more information.

Any partnership, association of persons (AOP), or corporation that engages in the practice of professional engineering and/or geoscience as its principal or customary function is required to have a certificate of authorization (CofA) with APEGS.

The requirement for a CofA applies equally to a large, publicly-traded corporation and to a corporation in which one member is the sole shareholder, director, officer and employee. This requirement also applies equally to the traditional engineering or geoscience consulting firm (principal function) and to those firms that are not thought of as ‘engineering or geoscience’ firms, but customarily engage in the practice of professional engineering or professional geoscience.

Click here to apply.