What’s in it for me?
What are my duties and responsibilities?
What are my time committments?
APEGS operates by the efforts of many volunteers. The Association requires new volunteers on an ongoing basis as mentors, to serve on committees, and other activities.
The Volunteer Orientation Course provides answers. All volunteers, including those considering joining a committee, are strongly encouraged to complete the course. Taken at a single sitting the course will take about 1.5 hours to complete. You may stop and resume at any time from the same device.
The Orientation Course can be found on the APEGS website, www.apegs.ca.
Go to “About Us” and select the “Volunteer” link on the left.
Visit “On-Line Services” and choose the committees or activities of interest to you. The Volunteer Categories can be found under “My Details.” The Association uses this database of volunteers as a source for new volunteers. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t hear from us immediately; your turn should come up.