

September 1st, 2017

Dave Rezansoff, P.Geo., MBA, PMP, EMS (LA)

Dave Rezansoff, P.Geo., MBA, PMP, EMS (LA)

About Me:

Our family has a cabin on Last Mountain Lake, northwest of Regina. In recent years, high lake levels and wind-generated waves resulted in shoreline erosion and slope failures at several locations including near our cabin. Fortunately, over the course of four years, our worries became a realistic and achievable plan that resulted in a successful small shoreline restoration project.

Job Responsibilities:

I am the manager, compliance audit with the Ministry of Environment – Environmental Protection Branch, and work out of the Saskatchewan office. Our team plans and conducts compliance audits on those who:

have been issued a permit, approval or authorization pursuant to any Act or regulation administered by the Ministry of Environment;

engage in an activity governed by an environmental protection plan (EPP); or

are required to comply with the Saskatchewan Environmental Code as enabled by any Act administered by the Ministry of Environment.

Professional Development Activities:

Practice – I plan and deliver numerous compliance audits throughout the province each year, and directly oversee the work of other professional and in-training compliance auditors.

Formal – I attend courses and seminars related to environmental auditing, for compliance and management systems assessments.

Informal – I have attended the APEGS Professional Development Days and the Investigation and Discipline workshop. I have attended seminars on legislation interpretation and technical areas related including dyke and dam safety inspection and stack sampling.

Participation – I have served on both the APEGS Discipline Committee and Environment Committee. I have participated on ministry committees for occupational health and safety and risk.

Presentation – I plan and deliver training to staff and pool auditors, and internal and external presentations on compliance audit planning, delivery, follow-up and closure.

Describe how your development activities help increase your knowledge and competency at your job:

My ongoing development activities directly support my knowledge and competencies as an active auditor and a section manager with the ministry. This includes being able to identify and appropriately interpret environmental monitoring and operational performance information to assess compliance, as well as conducting efficient and effective field inspections and assessing information to identify potential issues with containment structures and slope stability. My APEGS CPD activities also support my designation as a certified Lead Auditor.

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