

July 1st, 2020

In the May/June issue of The Professional Edge, APEGS advised that a governance review was completed in April and that the next step was to engage a consultant to assist APEGS in developing implementation plans and assessing impact of the recommendations. This information will support future council decision making.

At its meeting on June 12, council approved a terms of reference for the project steering group to oversee next steps in the project. Council also passed a motion to proceed with work to examine all the recommendations in the consultant’s report, which include improving governance practices and increasing focus on APEGS’ regulatory objects by:

  • Changing council size and composition, nomination criteria and evaluation of performance.
  • Enhancing practices regarding risk management, public transparency and management of sponsorships.
  • Changing how APEGS is organized, including the number and types of committees and boards.
  • Increasing training for committee members and evaluation of performance of committees and boards.
  • Transferring some committee work to staff in the areas of communications and public relations.
  • Examining APEGS’ role and relationship with constituent societies.

“Any well-run organization continues to look outwards and reflect inwards for potential improvements,” said President Andrew Lockwood, P.Eng, FEC. “APEGS is taking these steps in updating its governance structure to best serve a 21st century Saskatchewan and I am excited to lead the association through this sharpening of the tools.”

On June 25, APEGS engaged T. Bakkeli Consultants Inc. and Lana Gray Leadership Services to support APEGS. The consultants began the work in July and will work with APEGS to consult with stakeholders as part of the process. Council will review the impact assessment and plan for each recommendation to determine whether to approve implementation. Progress on the project will be reported in future issues of Edge.

In the meantime, committees will continue with regular operations. For any large and longer-term initiatives in 2020, committees will consult with their respective board chair and liaison councillor for direction specific to those initiatives.

“As the self-regulation of professions continues to evolve, particularly with respect to public expectations, it is important to ensure that regulators meet those expectations to maintain the privilege of self-regulation,” said Bob McDonald, P.Eng., Executive Director and Registrar.


Examine the recommendations and approve those that will help APEGS improve governance practices and increase focus on APEGS’ regulatory objects to:

  • Create a modernized structure aligned with regulatory responsibilities.
  • Increase role clarity.
  • Enhance APEGS’ ability to plan and prioritize volunteer and staff activities.


  • Growth in membership.
  • A committee structure carried forward from the late 1980s.
  • Changes in APEGS’ regulatory environment, including removal of the licence for permission to consult, introduction of a required continuing professional development program and introduction of competency-based experience reporting.
  • Provincial governments around the country are making or considering significant changes to the legislation for self-regulated professions.


  • APEGS announced the governance review in the May/June 2019 issue of The Professional Edge.
  • APEGS reported progress on the review in the Sept/Oct 2019 issue.
  • APEGS reported that the consultant completed the review and submitted all final recommendations to council in the May/June 2020 issue.

Next Steps

  • Council has engaged T. Bakkeli Consultants Inc. and Lana Gray Leadership Services to prioritize the recommendations and develop impact assessments and implementation plans.
  • Council will review the impact assessment for each recommendation to determine whether to approve implementation.
  • In the meantime, committees will continue with regular operations.

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