Two recommendations are being implemented further to council approval in September. They are to make the complaint process more transparent by making content more evident on the website and to sunset the Legislative Liaison Committee, transferring responsibilities to staff.
APEGS is moving forward using the approach council approved in September to address the other 31 recommendations on governance change. Staff are continuing to prepare feasibility plans and proposals to address recommendations. The Steering Group, with assistance from the consultants and staff, is drafting a schedule for carrying out the work in the feasibility plans, for council’s consideration. Steering Group is meeting regularly to navigate the detailed work on the project.
Going into 2021, staff will continue to prepare feasibility plans and proposals on recommendations. Population of the schedule will continue as feasibility plans are completed. Council liaisons have been informing committees and boards of the recommendations that may affect them. Council meets in December to consider progress made on 18 recommendations. In the meantime, committees will continue with regular operations. For any large and longer-term initiatives in 2020, committees will consult with their respective board chair and liaison councillor for direction specific to those initiatives.
Examine the 33 recommendations and approve those that will help APEGS improve governance practices and increase focus on APEGS’ regulatory objects to:
• Create a modernized structure aligned with regulatory responsibilities.
• Increase role clarity.
• Enhance APEGS’ ability to plan and prioritize volunteer and staff activities.
• Growth in membership.
• A committee structure carried forward from the late 1980s.
• Changes in APEGS’ regulatory environment, including removal of the licence for permission to consult, introduction of a required continuing professional development program and introduction of competency-based experience reporting.
• Provincial governments around the country are making or considering significant changes to the legislation for self-regulated professions.
• May/Jun 2019 issue of The Professional Edge – APEGS announced the governance review.
• Sep/Oct 2019 issue – Staff and volunteers provided the consultant with information and input regarding issues and potential improvements.
• May/June 2020 issue – The consultant completed the review and submitted all final recommendations to council.
• Jul/Aug 2020 issue – Council passed a motion to examine all 33 recommendations, which focus on making changes in practices regarding council size and composition, risk management, public transparency, management of sponsorships, organizational structure, roles of committees and staff, training for committees, and the relationship with constituent societies.
• Sep/Oct 2020 issue – Council approved two of the recommendations and staff continued to prepare feasibility plans.
Steering Group
Stormy Holmes, P.Eng., Past President (2019-2020)
Kristen Darr, P.Geo., President-Elect
John Desjarlais, P.Eng., Vice President
Nicholas Kaminski, P.Eng., Council Member
Peter Jackson, P.Eng., Past President (2012-2013)
Bob McDonald, P.Eng., Executive Director and Registrar (Advisor)
Shawna Argue, P.Eng., Director of Registration (Advisor)
Project Director
Tina Maki, P.Eng., Director of Special Projects
T. Bakkeli Consultants Inc. and Lana Gray Leadership Services
Please relay questions to the steering group through Tina Maki.