A major milestone was achieved in setting the path to improved governance, one of the major goals of the governance change project. At APEGS’ annual meeting on May 1, membership approved bylaw changes on council size and composition with an overwhelming majority. The membership confirmed they are on side with governance improvements.
Council will be reduced from 19 individuals to 13. This includes the two members of the public appointed by the provincial government and 11 councillors elected by the members, retaining the minimum number of engineers and geoscientists on council required by The Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act. The reduction will occur gradually over three years through attrition beginning with the 2022 elections.
Councillors will be elected as members-at-large rather than based on discipline, geography or member-in-training status. Terms will continue to be staggered by electing a minimum of two members-at-large each year until council size is reduced. Only members who are compliant with the requirements of the CPD program are eligible for nomination.
Council has assigned the responsibility to the Nominating Committee to attract and vet candidates using council-approved criteria and procedures to ensure council is comprised of eligible members with the knowledge, competency, character and diversity to regulate in the public interest.
To date, council has approved 27 of the recommendations and staff and committees have taken action or are in the process of taking action on those recommendations. Council will consider the final six recommendations further to planned consultations, as outlined in each of their specific feasibility plans.
What is this project about?
APEGS is reviewing its governance and regulatory frameworks and practices. The review focuses on 33 recommendations made by a consultant regarding:
• Council size and composition.
• Risk management.
• Public transparency.
• Management of sponsorships.
• Organizational structure.
• Roles of committees and staff.
• Training for committees.
• Relationship with constituent societies.
Why is APEGS doing this project?
A growth in membership and changes in the regulatory environment make a review timely to modernize governance that focuses resources on activities aligned with enhancing regulatory effectiveness.
For more, refer to previous issues of The Professional Edge from May/June 2020 to Mar/Apr 2021.
Direct questions to Tina Maki, P.Eng., Director of Special Projects at tmaki@apegs.ca. She will relay them to the steering group.
Steering Group
Stormy Holmes, P.Eng., Past President (2019-2020)
Kristen Darr, P.Geo., President-Elect
John Desjarlais, P.Eng., Vice-President
Nicholas Kaminski, P.Eng., Council Member
Peter Jackson, P.Eng., Past President (2012-2013)
Staff Advisors
Bob McDonald, P.Eng., Executive Director and Registrar
Shawna Argue, P.Eng., Director of Registration
Project Director:Tina Maki, P.Eng., Director of Special Projects
T. Bakkeli Consultants Inc. and Lana Gray Leadership Services