Who is required to report under the new CPD program?
All APEGS members, except Life Members must report. This includes members-in-training, professional members, licensees, temporary licensees and those members on a license waiver.
What must members report?
Members are required to report:
• the total number of credits that they obtained in each of the six CPD activity categories;
• that they completed the verifiable ethics training for the year (check box);
• their scope of practice.
Where do members report?
Members must report their CPD activities online through APEGS Central. Please refer to the screen shot map in The Professional Edge. Do not send any documents to APEGS unless requested to do so.
When must members report?
Reporting is based on the calendar year. Members can enter data online throughout the year as credits are obtained, if they wish. The deadline for reporting is Jan.31 of the year immediately following the reporting year.
Why must members report?
It is important for members to report their CPD activities to APEGS so that APEGS can track compliance with the CPD Program.
APEGS may require this information to assure stakeholders (i.e.: the public or the government) that, as a self-regulated profession, the association is doing what it can to ensure members remain competent.
This aligns with Objects (a) and (c) of Section 5 of The Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act. In addition, personally as a professional, tracking and reporting your CPD activities aids you in your personal growth and in identifying, and planning for, your professional development needs.
Maintaining one’s competence as a professional is part of our Code of Ethics (refer to Regulatory Bylaws, Sections 20(2)(b) and (d)).
For more information on what qualifies as CPD credits in each of the categories and as verifiable ethics, members should refer to the CPD Program Document posted on the APEGS website Professional Development page.
• APEGS Online Ethics Module;
• This module is free for all APEGS members;
• For more information and to access the module,please visit www.apegs.ca;
• In-person ethics presentation;
• If your organization is interested in hosting an ethics training session for your employees or members, book through Jolene Arthur at jarthur@apegs.ca.
Spring Professional Development Days
• March 5 – 6, 2020 in Yorkton;
• Two tracks will be offered each day;
• Track 1 courses are offered by the Centre for Technical and Engineering Leadership;
• Leading the Way;
• Communicating in Business;
• Managing Change;
• Thinking Ethically;
• Details on Track 2 will be available at www.apegs.ca.
Get to the Point! A Practical Writing Course for Business and Technical Professionals
• April 29 – 30, 2020 in Saskatoon;
• Details will be available at www.apegs.ca.