The APEGS Council held a hybrid in-person/ virtual meeting via Microsoft TEAMS on September 16 & 17, 2020 in Regina. The meeting was attended by 19 of 19 Councillors and the Directors to Engineers Canada and Geoscientists Canada. Council will meet next on December 3 & 4, 2020 in Saskatoon.
Council received the following presentations and information items:
- The Directors responsible for staff support to the Investigation and Discipline Committees presented an overview of the APEGS investigation and discipline processes.
- The Communications Manager provided an update on the 2020 Strategic Communications Plan.
- The APEGS Director of Special Projects and members of the Steering Group provided an update on the Governance Change Project.
- Activity updates were provided from the constituent society liaisons, the ACEC-SK liaison and the Nominating Criteria Task Group
- The APEGS Director to Engineers Canada provided a written report and a verbal update on the activities of the national organization.
- The APEGS Director to Geoscientists Canada provided a written report and verbal update on the activities of the national organization.
- The Draft 2021 budget was provided to Council for discussion purposes.
Council passed motions as follows:
- Approving policy Coun12.0_Volunteer PD Days Reimbursement.
- Approving policy ADMIN10.0_Recording of Meetings.
- Approving the Governance Change Project Blueprint and Feasibility Plan templates.
- Approving the Feasibility Plans for Governance Change Project recommendations #6 (make the complaint process more transparent to the public and practicing professionals (by making content more evident on the website)) and #14 (transfer Legislative Liaison Committee responsibilities to staff and stand down the committee), as well as approving the recommendation.
- Approving the appointment of John Unrau, P.Geo, FGC to the Nominating Criteria Task Group.
- Approving the updated Terms of Reference for the Academic Review Committee.
- Approving the development of a virtual Law & Ethics Seminar for the fall 2020 seminar.
- Approving the use of the National Professional Practice Exam (remotely proctored) for the fall 2020 PPE.
- Approving the updated policy PPE1.0-Professional Practice Exam.
- Approving updates to the Guideline for Alternate Arrangements and Special Accommodations for the PPE and Law & Ethics Seminar.
- Approving the Guide for Licensee Applicants – Competency-Based Assessment (CBA).
- Approving revisions to the Guide for Licensee Applicants.
- Authorizing the CPD Compliance Committee to conduct Assurance Reviews from a random sample of members who reported in 2019 and met an established review criterion.
- Approving nine new Life Members.
- Fixing April 19, 2021 as the polling day for the 2021 Council elections.
- Appointing the following to the Nominating Committee for the 2021 Council Elections: Terry Fonstad, Ph.D., P.Ag., P.Eng., FEC (chair), Stormy Holmes, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.), John Unrau, P.Geo., FGC, Patti Kindred, P.Eng., FEC, Ryan MacGillivray, P.Eng., Robert Cochran, P.Eng. and Nicole Barber, Engineer-in-Training.
- Appointing the following as the scrutineers for the 2021 Council Elections: Terry Fonstad., Ph.D., P.Ag., P.Eng., FEC and Shawna Argue, P.Eng., MBA, FEC, FCSSE, FGC (Hon.).
- Approving one-year extension requests for 34 members- in-training.
Council noted and received the following reports:
- Registrar’s reports for June, July and August 2020.
- The unaudited financial statements for May, June and July 2020.
- Executive Committee minutes, board minutes and the reports from the committees and task groups, abridged Investigation Committee minutes and Discipline Committee minutes